by Leandro Lucarella on 2010- 01- 16 23:24 (updated on 2010- 01- 16 23:24)- with 0 comment(s)

Yesterday I saw Rocknrolla, the last movie written (and directed) by Guy Ritchie. It doesn't disappoint, if you like Guy Ritchie's style, you'll get it:
The movie have some non-conventional kind of mafia/gangsters, lots of eccentric characters (including a crazy one that fucks everything up), a good twisted story, and a very visually-attractive style.
And that maybe the only thing you can criticize about the movie, it's very similar Guy Ritchie's previous work, but it's a great movie anyway.
I liked the piano scene (that's everything I'll say, no spoilers here ;) the most; great scene! :)
Luca-o-meter: 8/10 points.